Medic provides a convenient and seamless solution to retail clinic customers who favor affordable, timely, low cost health and wellness care options that fits into their busy daily schedules. It also offers retail clinics…
- A convenient and passive way to capture the health data needed to detect health conditions early and customize treatment plans for their patients – improving their overall wellness
- Additional value added services that increase store traffic – growing cross selling and services revenue
- Increased value to their Member Rewards and Corporate / Payer wellness programs that reduce the healthcare costs for all involved
Medic provides a convenient and seamless solution to retail clinic customers who favor affordable, timely, low cost health and wellness care options that fits into their busy daily schedules. It also offers retail clinics…
- A convenient and passive way to capture the health data needed to detect health conditions early and customize treatment plans for their patients – improving their overall wellness
- Additional value added services that increase store traffic – growing cross selling and services revenue
- Increased value to their Member Rewards and Corporate / Payer wellness programs that reduce the healthcare costs for all involved

Lifestyle and wellness program quality is a major criteria senior residents use when selecting a community. Healthier residents possess greater satisfaction, require less direct-care staff, stay an average of 2.7 years longer, remain more independent and live happier lives. Medic offers senior living communities…
- Additional value-added wellness service offerings for residents and non-residents to increase revenue
- Reduce resident turnover by improving their overall satisfaction with the community
- Maintain higher occupancy rates and months of stay by helping residents stay healthy and independent
- Reduce resident and community healthcare costs by reducing direct-care staff demand
- Reduce bathroom falls by utilizing the optional “lift assist” feature

Lifestyle and wellness program quality is a major criteria senior residents use when selecting a community. Healthier residents possess greater satisfaction, require less direct-care staff, stay an average of 2.7 years longer, remain more independent and live happier lives. Medic offers senior living communities…
- Additional value-added wellness service offerings for residents and non-residents to increase revenue
- Reduce resident turnover by improving their overall satisfaction with the community
- Maintain higher occupancy rates and months of stay by helping residents stay healthy and independent
- Reduce resident and community healthcare costs by reducing direct-care staff demand
- Reduce bathroom falls by utilizing the optional “lift assist” feature

Medic provides a convenient, low cost solution to primary care providers whose patients want a more tailored approach to maintaining their personal and families overall health and wellness. Our solution offers care providers…
- Early detection, intervention and monitoring of their patients health and wellbeing – true holistic care
- Access to longitudinal patient health data to improve course of treatment decision making and monitor its effectiveness
- Value added care models to improve quality of care, patient satisfaction and increase Accountable Care revenue potential
- Increased patient involvement in their treatment plans
- Improved efficiency of care delivery to their patients
- Improved patient retention and loyalty
Medic provides a convenient, low cost solution to primary care providers whose patients want a more tailored approach to maintaining their personal and families overall health and wellness. Our solution offers care providers…
- Early detection, intervention and monitoring of their patients health and wellbeing – true holistic care
- Access to longitudinal patient health data to improve course of treatment decision making and monitor its effectiveness
- Value added care models to improve quality of care, patient satisfaction and increase Accountable Care revenue potential
- Increased patient involvement in their treatment plans
- Improved efficiency of care delivery to their patients
- Improved patient retention and loyalty

Medic fits naturally into the daily “life flow” of wellness-oriented Individuals and families who are concerned with nutrition, fitness, stress, their environment, and accept responsibility for their overall health and wellness. Medic offers consumers…
- Passive detection, monitoring and reporting of major healthcare risk factors after every bathroom event
- Early detection of health risks, allowing consumers to take an active role in their health through prevention
- Easy, flexible and more convenient interactions with healthcare providers
- Increased patient – provider interaction when developing treatment plans
- Can choose to share their own health trends and view their children’s, giving them complete peace of mind
Medic provides a convenient, low cost solution to primary care providers whose patients that want a more tailored approach to maintaining their personal and families overall health and wellness. Our solution offers care providers…
- Early detection, intervention and monitoring of their patients health and wellbeing – true holistic care
- Access to longitudinal patient health data to improve course of treatment decision making and monitor its effectiveness
- Value added care models to improve quality of care, patient satisfaction and increase Accountable Care revenue potential
- Increased patient involvement in their treatment plans
- Improved efficiency of care delivery to their patients
- Improved patient retention and loyalty

Biomarkers are measurable indicators of the presence and severity of diseases and can act as indicators of the change in progression, or susceptibility of the disease to a given treatment. Medic’s integrated Science Center enables label free biomarker detection and monitoring of…
- Proteins
- Antibodies
- Single virus
- Nucleic acids
Biomarkers are measurable indicators of the presence and severity of diseases and can act as indicators of the change in progression, or susceptibility of the disease to a given treatment. Medic’s integrated Science Center enables label free biomarker detection and monitoring of…
- Proteins
- Antibodies
- Single virus
- Nucleic acids

Digital health organizations are democratizing health information to improve human health and provide unparalleled patient, provider, payer and consumer access to the data. Medic’s platform can provide early passive risk detection and monitoring data for…
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Dehydration
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Single Virus pathogens (SARS, Coronavirus, etc.)
- And 7 additional major health risk areas
Digital health organizations are democratizing health information to improve human health and provide unparalleled patient, provider, payer and consumer access to the data. Medic’s platform can provide early passive risk detection and monitoring data for…
- Diabetes
- Hypertension
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Dehydration
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Single Virus pathogens (SARS, Coronavirus, etc.)
- And 7 additional major health risk areas

Medic.Life © 2020 | All rights reserved | 3000 Sierra Vista Way | Provo, UT 84606